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Writer's pictureAliki Nektaria


2025 The release of Oppression

How this unfolds will be unique to each individual's circumstances—some will use heart, some will use force, and some will use both. From this, a clearing will take place.

Many have suppressed the authentic self for some time out of “displacement.”

Many will now understand that awakening is not just about political awareness. It is, and always will be, about the personality rising out of programmed patterns. We are now entering a time of "placement," an essential part of both evolutionary and "spiritunary" processes. "Spiritunary": This term, akin to evolutionary, describes the process of allowing the electromagnetic field of the self to become more prominent and integrated, transcending the limitations of the physical body alone.

The spiritual witch hunt will be over as more oppressive energy is lifted. This will allow many who have been in hiding to emerge and assist in the next phase of the quantum shift. This shift is happening faster now, and even those who are sensitive or so-called “awake” are struggling with the velocity. Many who were segregated or cut off from certain areas of life will now have the meaning of their perceived “displacement” revealed.

Extremism will no longer be necessary to contrast the unreasonable. This has been a significant part of the consciousness contrast, helping those who struggle to balance their own energies with the world's.

The reactionary self will now come to a close if it has been on high alert. Remember, any change, even if positive, is initially coded as stress on the system before it can be adopted as self. The reactionary response systems have been operating to buy time for the mental body to process and keep up with the rapid pace of changes, allowing for the new etheric energies of the new earth to take form within.

Placement refers to retraining in areas of life necessary for heart transformation. Not everyone has the same heart capacity or frequency on this planet. Therefore, for the wave function in a quantum physics view to continue, we must have enough individuals with a reasonably close heart frequency to carry forward essential adjustments for humanity.

We are going to redefine the meaning of the paranormal. Historically, it has been fear-based with suppression and has limited the expression of wisdom to the astral self. There has been too much occult or new age amplification around the paranormal, giving it a misguided dark expression. The paranormal is the suppression of the human field's electromagnetic potential to achieve radiance. We are bio electrics and the focus is no longer in paranormal but the synthesis of the bio electrical field of the human astral self.

Continued changes in spirituality and its meaning will broaden. It has incorporated a very detached view of the human experience, negating fundamental elements of the psyche that support the mental processing and interpretation of the emotional and astral bodies.

We will see more people experiencing unusual dream states that they cannot explain. Many who have never spoken of certain things in their lives will begin to do so now.

For those sensitive to energies, who have never had their deepest intentions noticed or seen but instead mocked or misrepresented, this is going to change. You will find more space for your essence self rather than being the antenna for outdated and masked programs or templates, while also purging your own.

We will continue to see an increasing change in the model of "Psychology." It will no longer limit itself to mental health alone. The body will become increasingly aware of its attachment to spirit. We will witness "forced interpersonal activations," where the level of awareness about self-accountability will heighten, aiming for the highest version of oneself.

The merging of AI into lifestyle will become increasingly harder to adopt as the original blueprint of humanity will face the distinction of what its original capacity of form is and how its bio-electrical existence is being contrasted by AI in order to expand the dormant blueprint. We are limited in the ability to exist outside of a systematic containment that our lives require to a degree to survive and develop fundamentals. However, these ways are now becoming very dull and void of real warmth and fulfilment, unlike the golden age.

Because of this, we are seeking a new golden age and this year will be a reminder of what the golden age was and how it can exist in the merging of AI. Our human condition and the intricacies and magic of the human condition will be celebrated more as we reach for a full synthesis of embodying the actual elements of the psyche that make us divine and connected to God, universal energy, source, whichever you wish to call it.

May you flourish this year and everything be golden. written by,

Aliki Thepathclearer

The Path Clearer

Aliki The Path Clearer: Psychodynamic Therapy, Inner Child Therapy, Psychosynthesis.

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1 Comment

Jan 02

This is alot to take in.

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