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About Aliki


  • Clinical Membership with the AHA (Australian Hypnotherapists Association)

  • ACC. Certificate IV in Hypnotherapy, NLP, Timeline Therapy, Regression Therapy.

  • ACC. Diploma in Hypnotherapy ( Awarded Scholarship for High Achievement)

  • ACC. Diploma in Counselling |  Certificate in Life Coaching

  • Advanced Energy Medicine | Meridian Energy Practitioner

  • Naturally Gifted Advanced healer and Psychic Surgery, Medical Medium.

  • Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant, Mystic.

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Why I Do This Work


I am deeply fascinated in the discovery of people. They are a marvellous creation of so much intricacy and diversity yet packaged in a uniform way. Biology is one thing, yet abstract thinking, belief systems, consciousness and creativity is expressed so uniquely.

I have devoted myself to the exploration, observation and understanding of the electrical components that make up the vast proportion that we overlook as the human condition.  I have absorbed my own personal vibrational knowledge of dynamics, how the mechanics of the energy bodies play out in regards to personality and ego states, and the quest to reach the true essence self, covered by inherent ancestry programming.

Our personal quest I feel, is to actually discover the true nature of our own "Self" construct. Most of our learning is that we are inherently and collectively flawed as a species, however, I feel that there are so many things that we are, things about our potential that we have barely scratched the surface of discovery in. I truly feel that when we liberate ourselves from the understanding of the human condition, coupled with the electrical components that make up our selves, then we will have a whole different occurrence to who we are as a race. We are fragile yet powerful and hold the potential to have an elevated capacity of love, affinity and connection as a future pathway forward collectively.  

Working with Aliki is an enlightening experience. I think it is difficult to find a practitioner in what are still considered “fringe” modalities who is truly skilled and grounded. That is why Aliki stands out. It is also because she is what I would describe as a multimodal practitioner, because she is a gifted energetic healer and mystic, but she is also a very skilled therapist who is insightful and practical in her approach. Being able to work multidimensionally is a powerful combination for people who want true change and support on their spiritual evolution and personal development journey. You will feel therapeutically “held” by Aliki so you can make those exciting transformations in your life.

Mona Taouk - Professional

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Where It All Began


My sensory abilities began in childhood. I was fascinated by reading different material on the mind, the paranormal, and the supernatural. Additionally, I was influenced by three different parental figures with varying views on religion.

I could sense my environment and others, and see the truth in scenarios or situations. I experienced several catalyst events, such as mystical synchronicities and personal challenges.

During my teenage years, through self-discovery, reading, and introspection, I discovered that I was clairvoyant (later on, I identified as clairsentient and clairaudient as well). This led to a major change, requiring me to adapt to a different lifestyle. The sudden change resulted in me becoming unwell at 17 years old, setting me on a path of discovery.

I attended my first workshop at 17, focusing on the connection between the mind and body in relation to illness. I was the youngest participant and realised this was something I innately understood without knowing how. I became involved in seminars, listening to people overcome their illnesses with non-traditional methods. Little did I know, this was the beginning of something larger. I made a decision in that workshop to never be unwell again, and it was so.

I use my history of vibrational education and knowledge to formulate and share my own content. My experience in understanding the mind, body, and spirit connection, and how they impact an individual's behaviour, communication, lifestyle, personality, and well-being, has assisted many people from various cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, business owners, life coaches, accountants, professional actors, healers, parents, hairdressers, executives, and more, ranging from children as young as 5 to adults aged 70 and above. I have also had the honour of assisting other gifted healers, clairvoyants, therapists, counsellors, and coaches to enhance their own service to others, as well as their personal evolution and expansion.

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